What Does Brick and Beryl Mean, Anyhoo?

What Does Brick and Beryl Mean, Anyhoo?

Ah, we get these questions ... a lot!

  • Where did you get that name?
  • How do you spell it?
  • What does it mean?

Great questions. The answer is really quite simple- which is how we like to keep it around here.

Brick and Beryl was inspired by the idea of inviting heaven into our small business- in a down-to-earth, tangible way. 

Brick. There is a raw, humble beauty to this material (made mostly of clay) that is timeless, fragile yet strong, and undeniable. 

Beryl. A unique mineral- with a beautiful variety of colors and characteristics (we fancy emerald the most!). It is mentioned early on in the Bible (Exodus 28:20) regarding the 4th row of the breastplate of the high priest and also (Revelation 21:20) as a foundational gemstone in the wall of the New Jerusalem. And what's really cool about beryl- is its ability to let light pass through ... 

Have you ever heard us humans referred to as "jars of clay"?

Isaiah 64:8 (NKJV) reads, "But now, O Lord, You are our Father, we are the clay, and You our potter; and all we are the work of Your hand." 

So, we acknowledge God as our Creator. We are dependent on Him ... for all things. Not by us, but by Him. To Him be the glory! 

Love y'all. 

What is your favorite gemstone?


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